Two leading accoustics experts from Maine believe they have confirmed the link to adverse health affects from improperly sited wind turbines.
Stephen E. Ambrose, INCE (Brd. Cert.) and Robert W. Rand, INCE Member have just released a detailed and comprehensive report to the public. I encourage you to read it.
I know these gentlemen personally and have found them to be very professional and independent. They are not affiliated with any pro- or anti-wind groups. From "Day One" I have been impressed with their knowledge, commitment, integrity and compassion.
My esteem grows daily.
Please don't miss this amazing opportunity to learn the science behind what victims of wind turbines' unique noises have been saying, feeling and living with for years. Check out the above link and read "The Bruce McPherson Infrasound and Low Frequency Noise Study--Adverse Health Effects Produced By Large Industrial Wind Turbines Confirmed" You can download the whole report from the website, or email me at and I'll send it straight away.
The wondering and the waiting are over. This may be the 'proof positive' that we've been looking for--that industrial wind turbines can--and have been--adversely impacting our fellow citizens.
Spread the news. What a Christmas gift these gentlemen and their benefactor have given to mankind. The authors welcome and encourage you to share their study far and wide. Knowledge is power. Let's use our power to make things right for the victims who've lived with the effects of industrial wind turbine noises, and to prevent others from suffering the same fate.
Merry Christmas.
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