Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Tardy Voices

Since the beginning of this legislative session in January, citizens from across Maine have been working to promote common-sense bills which will protect Mainers' heath, their finances, their quality of life, and this state's unparalleled "Quality of Place". We've encountered stiff opposition from some Legislators, and amazing and courageous support from others. But many members of the 125th Legislature are confronted with a large learning curve, and haven't yet had the opportunity to research the facts about mountaintop industrial wind facilities, or the wind energy plan for Maine. Others have already been lobbied-- and lobbied hard-- by the wind industry. They don't want to listen to us.

As you can see by the letter below, not everyone has turned a deaf ear. But the representative who wrote this letter, Rep. Tardy, is no longer a member of Maine's House of Representatives. As a member of the Joint Standing Committee on Energy, Utilities and Technology, he was in a good position to assist our efforts. Now, many of our efforts must be repeated--ARE being repeated--and we must speak up, again. We only hope that members of the 125th Legislature and the EUT Committee will listen.

Listen, and act accordingly.
AUGUSTA, MAINE 04333-0002
TTY: (207)287-4469

Joshua A. Tardy
P.O. Box 381
Newport, ME 04953
Residence: (207) 368-5858
E-Mail: Ma rch 5, 2010

Ms. Heidi Emery
46 Sandy Stream Road
Highland Plantation, Maine 04961

Dear Ms. Emery:

I appreciate your taking the time to write and express your concerns with wind energy developments, specifically LD 2283, "An Act To Implement Recommendations of the Governor's Task Force on Wind Power Development." This bill was passed during the 123rd Legislature and was signed as an emergency measure by the Governor on April 18,2008.

Your letter clearly points out your apprehensions with regard to the expeditious nature of these developments and I am sympathetic to your situation, i.e. your son's medical condition and the fact that you live in a valley where sounds are very much amplified. Although it does not seem likely additional legislation will be permitted this session to address a moratorium on development, let me assure you that I will speak with my colleagues on the Joint Standing Committee on Utilities and Energy, the committee with jurisdiction over these matters, about the need for more comprehensive and restrictive noise testing and standards.

Nearly a dozen bills were introduced this session dealing with wind power, demonstrating this topic is one that is gaining momentum in the public's eye and validating the need for careful regulation and oversight. For more information, I would direct you to the Land Use Regulation Commission website, Highland Wind LLC Development Pending Actions, to follow any developments with this project:

http://www.maine.gOv/doc/l urc/projects/Windpower/HighlandWind/Highland_DP4862.s html.

Also, I am sending along a site I have come across from other inquiries regarding the Highlands Mountains:

Thank you for writing. Please do so again should other matters of interest arise.

Joshua A. Tardy, State Representative


District 25 Corinna, part of Corinth, Exeter, Newport and Plymouth
Printed on recycled paper

Bottom Photo: Rep. Larry Dunphy, District 88-- a true representative of the People

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